Don't miss The "Tree" Doctors, genealogy links

I have just linked a section to my Postcard page on using postcards in genealogy.

Names we are researching:
HARCUS; MAINLAND (both origin Orkney, Scotland); FRENCH; KELLY (both origin England); PHILLIP(S)(origin Wales).

GELEAN Branches: GEHLIN (in North America known as GELIN, GELEAN)(origin Sweden); WHITEMAN (origin Ireland); WALKZ (WOCKS)(origin Germany); HATTREMSOIEN (in North America known as OIEN, PAULSON)(origin Norway); NEBBEN (origin Norway).

My Mystery Family

Can anyone out there in cyberland identify anyone in the photo below?
The photo is believed to be from the Orkney Islands in Scotland.
Most likely candidates would be HARCUS, MAINLAND or SEATTER family members.
If you have any idea who they might be, please send me a message (link updated Sept 19, 2009). Thank you.
For a larger view, please click on the image.

Who are they?

Wow! Here's another HARCUS and MAINLAND connection! Thanks Diane for bringing your site to my attention. Yes! we have a connection.

Broken Branches... they have us "stumped"
'Way back in generations past, roots are buried too deeply and are lost. Here is a partial list of "who are they and where did they come from?"

In Canada:

In England

The "Tree" Doctors... Help for your Family Tree
Here are some excellent links that have been helpful and intersting in our various searches, hope they help you, too.

The photo on the left is Fisgard Lighthouse on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada, taken by Dennis. Fisgard is opposite the naval base at Esquimalt, B.C., shown on the right (postcard) as it looked around the turn of the century. This is where Betty's great-great grandparents, John & Elizabeth Kelly, first arrived; John arriving with the Royal Navy in the mid-1800s, and Elizabeth sailing around the "Horn" from Devon, England with their two young boys one year later.

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Links updated September 19, 2009