Prairie Schooner Ready to Start. Supplies are often carried two and three hundred miles from the nearest town either in ranch wagons or else by some regular freight outfit or huge canvass (sic) topped prairie schooners which are drawn by several yoke of oxen or perhaps six or eight mules. Pub. Adolph Selige. Although this card is in only fair condition, I keep it for its content and history. | |
Lumbering, Vancouver B.C.. Postmarked 1908. Pub. W.G. McFarlane
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Arab Family Travelling by Camel.
Real Photo. Hassan Ahmed El Bashir. Appears to be a tent covering the family and belongings while riding on the back of a camel. | |
Syria, towards Palmyra. Another real photo showing a caravan of camels bearing burdens. | |
Oxcart used on the Gaspe CoastVoiture originale d'usage sur la cote de Gaspe, Que. Yoked oxen, postmarked 1941
Pub. by Novelty Mfg. Co. | |
Carro de Bois.Madeira. Carro de Bois. Old unused. | |
Water Buffalo. Real photo postcard, unused. | |
Twenty Mule TeamThe first mules used on the wagons built by J.S.W. Perry were owned by Charles Bennett. Ash and Hickory used was aged in the desert or the wagons would soon have fallen apart. Rear wheels were seven feet high, front wheels five feet, with steel tires eight inches wide and one inch thick. The complete wagon weighed three tons and carried ten tons. They cost around $900 each to build...(quote by M.P., Photo-Color by Merle Porter) | |
En Route to Klondyke
Enroute to the Klondike by goat train. Many modes of transportation were used, although most did not last long. (Card is a reproduction). Courtesy Len Cairns. Pioneer Postcards. | |
Burros Loaded with Alfalfa., Fred Harvey 'Phostint' card, pub. Detroit Pub.
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Travelling in the Jungle, India postmarked 1904.
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Rescue Team - U.S. Army, Real Photo postcard, unused. Dog team used in Search and Rescue. Brickley D-24
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Horse-seining, Columbia River, Oregon. Early day horse-seining for salmon. One end of the fish net was anchored on the sand bar. A skiff towed the net in an arc into the fish in the river, brining the end back to the horses which pulled the full net of fish on to the sand bar to be harvested. This practice is discontinued. Anderson Scenic Postcard
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Elephants. No. 9 -- Rope tying operation.
The Ravi-Varma Press Karla.
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A Reindeer Outfit, Lapland. Near the North Cape on the northwestern coast of Norway are settlements of Laplanders. The Lapps...wear garments made of reindeer skin with the pelt turned outwards, the garments lasting indefinitely. Their mode of travel is with reindeer and sleds.
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An Arctic Dairy. Appears to be another Lapland card. Pub. Hugh C. Leighton Co., Quality Card
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